JUMP TOsimtex.partners.apiGetting Started With Simtex Partners APIESIMGet a previously-issued eSIMgetSet the email address for the eSIm customerputGet all Help sequence items by IdgetEmail a branded Connecting Help sequence by IdgetCancel a previously-issued eSIM OrderputGet covered country listgetOrdersPlace an order based on quotepostGet a previously-created ordergetCancel a previously-issued eSIM OrderputSets the future activation time to an eSIM orderputCreate a Topup order for an existing eSIMpostGet a Topup ordergetSets the future activation time to a Topup orderputQuotesGet a new quotepostGet a quote for topping up an existing eSIMpostGet a previously-created quotegetDelete a previously-created quotedeleteShoppingCreate a shopping cartpostCreate a shopping cartpostGet the current shopping cartgetDelete an existing shopping cartdeleteGet the Payment details for an eSIMgetSet the currency of the CartpostPerform a checkout of a shopping cartpostPerform a checkout of a shopping cartpostPerform a checkout of a shopping cart using stored payment detailspostVerify Payment gateway successful card operationpostVerify Payment gateway successful card operationpostValidate a coupongetAdd an item for an eSIM+Data for a quote to a shopping cartputAdd an item for a topup quote to a shopping cartputRemove a line item from a shopping cartdeleteUtilsGet currency info listgetGet Supported Card Brand listgetGet covered country list with extended namesgetGet list of supported languagesgetGet resource file for a supported languagegetGet branding for current Partner accountgetReturn a list of supported devicesgetReturn a list of supported devicesgetGet all Faq Items, optionally by typegetGet all Setup Help sequences by operating system, VersiongetGenerate a banner with custom price and flagsgetDeep Linking for eSIM Data Package OptimizationPowered by Create a Topup order for an existing eSIMpost https://api.simtex.io/Orders/topup